Colombo Today Local News

අවුරුදු 18 සම්පුර්ණ වන තුරු සුන්නත් කිරීම තහනම් කරන්න. – ඉස්ලාමය හැරගිය සංවිධානය එක නීතියක් බලකායෙන් ඉල්ලයි.

වයස අවුරුදු 18 සම්පුර්ණ වන තුරු දරුවන් සුන්නත් කිරීම තහනම් කරන ලෙස ඉස්ලාම් ආගම හැරගිය පුද්ගලයන්ගේ සංවිධානය එක රටක් එක නීතියක් සඳහා වූ ජනාධිපති කාර්ය සාධක බලකාය වෙතින් ඉල්ලීමක් කර තිබෙනවා.

එම සංවිධානය විසින් එක රටක් එක නීතියක් ස්ථාපිත කිරීම සඳහා යෝජනා 21 ක් කාර්ය සාධක බලකාය වෙත ලබා දී ඇත.

අදාළ යෝජනා…

Proposals of Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka to the Presidential Task Force for

“One Country, One Law”

1. All citizens of the country should be identified as Sri Lankans. Ethical and religious identities should not be prioritized before the law. No personal and private, religious laws or clauses should be allowed. Everybody should be treated equally under one law. Exception: Medically advised conditions

2.          Any religion or ideology should not be prioritized or provided special privileges before the law and constitution, all Sri Lankan citizens should be treated equally irrespective of their beliefs or ideologies. Exception: Medically advised conditions

3. All existing parallel legal systems including any personal laws, acts and clauses should be abolished. If any beneficial laws, acts and clauses exist within those parallel legal systems, they should be accommodated into the common law of the country for the benefit if all the Sri Lankans. 

4. Domestic violence should be treated as a criminal offense. Sexual harassment, verbal harassment and threatening against women, other non-male genders and children should be upgraded as punishable criminal offenses. 

5. Racial discrimination, any acts of harassment and verbal harassments based on racial identity should be upgraded as a punishable offense. 

6. Family disputes and divorce cases to be resolved in a separate family courts where there are no criminal cases be heard.  A fast track solution should be provided to the divorce cases for the parties to proceed for a fresh restart of their lives. 

7. There should not be gender-based discrimination in any laws, including the deviance in ownership of properties, assets etc.

8. Materials containing violence, terrorism and hatred and materials promoting discrimination should not be taught, recited, printed, digitalized, displayed or distributed within the country in any language and in any format such as religious or holy books.

9. LGBTQIA+ identity should be recognized as gender identity. The laws should be amended to individuals choose their gender and sexual identity and also their sexual preferences. (Example: Who they want to have them as sexual or marital partners.) CEMSL humbly requests the commission to seek proposals from LGBTQIA+ right groups. 

10. No one should be allowed to conceal their identity such as covering their faces in public places. Purposefully hiding the identity should be banned in the country. Exception: Medically advised conditions. 

11. Religious and ethnic based segregation of the school system should be abolished. Tamil and Sinhalese languages should be taught to all the students from grade one in an equal manner and these two subjects should be made as compulsory for every Sri Lankan student. 

12. Students should not be exclusively taught one particular religion as a subject based on the religious identification provided to them by their parents or by their birth. There should be a common subject taught by the same teacher that should contain all comparative religions, rational thinking and atheism.

13.        All the schools should teach arts such as drawing, music and dance to students.

14. Irreligious people and atheists should be legally recognized by the government and by the law. 

16. Usage of the loudspeakers should be banned and special permission can be provided only on a special occasion, not more than twice a year. Regular usage of the loudspeakers should be banned from religious institutes and religious places. 

17. Abortion should be legalized and the health condition and decision of the conceived individual should be given the priority in decision making. Abortion should be allowed under fair conditions and proper medical observation.

18.        Minimum age for the marriage should not be below 18 for any Sri Lankans irrespective of their gender, race, religion, ethnicity etc.

19. All the student unions and organizations formed on the religious, racial and ethnic identity should be banned from educational institutes such as universities, training colleges, higher educational institutes etc. 

20. A minimum age should be set for enrolling children into religious institutions or into monkhood, becoming a clergy etc.

21. Male Genital Mutilation and Female Genital Mutilation, known as circumcision on minors, should be strictly banned and made illegal unless advised by doctors under strict medical conditions.

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